Phone (613) 836-2030

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is an individualized treatment program that is designed to improve, enhance, and develop visual performance. It is a subspecialty of optometry that helps treat eye problems that cannot be fixed with glasses or surgery alone. The objective of vision therapy is to “rewire” the neural connections between the eyes and the brain, which can help school performance, and overall quality of life.

Vision therapy works to improve conditions such as:

  • Post-concussion vision issues
  • Oculomotor disorders (inability to quickly and accurately move eyes)
  • Non-strabismic binocular disorders (inefficient eye teaming)
  • Strabismus (misalignment of the eyes)
  • Amblyopia (poorly developed vision)
  • Accommodative disorders (inability for the eyes to sustain focus for long periods of time when doing near work, and change focus from distant to near objects)
  • Visual information processing disorders (reversals, etc) 

Advanced Technology


RightEye Eye-Tracking

State of the art software allows our optometrists to test and improve eye-tracking skills that are required for reading and playing sports, and it can be used to monitor tracking skills following a concussion.

Vivid Vision Virtual Reality

Vivid Vision uses specially designed virtual reality games to treat amblyopia, strabismus, and other binocular vision disorders. This cutting edge technology provides the best method to treat amblyopia as it incorporates the use of both eyes as a team, and can be successful when patching and surgery do not provide optimal results.

Sanet Vision Integrator

A touch screen monitor that allows improvement in central-peripheral integration, eye-hand coordination, saccades, pursuits, balance, visual memory, etc.


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1464 Stittsville Main Street
Stittsville, ON

Phone (613) 836-2030